Wiki source code of MySQL Installation

Last modified by Thomas Mortagne on 2023/11/16

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Sorin Burjan 12.3 1 {{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}}
2 {{toc/}}
3 {{/box}}
AkiBackman 1.22 4
Caleb James DeLisle 9.1 5 = Compatibility Considerations =
Sorin Burjan 12.3 6
Vincent Massol 49.2 7 See [[Database support strategy>>dev:Community.DatabaseSupportStrategy]] for the supported versions.
Thomas Mortagne 80.1 9 XWiki expects the database to use ##utf8## or ##utf8mb4## encoding with collation ##*_bin## and it's highly recommended to use ##utf8mb4## (and ##utf8mb4_bin##) which is the default since MySQL 8.
Thomas Mortagne 79.1 10
Caleb James DeLisle 9.1 11 == MyISAM storage engine ==
Sorin Burjan 12.3 12
Ricardo Rodríguez 71.1 13 MyISAM (the default storage engine for MySQL until release 5.5.5 in 2010) does not support transactions. If there is an error while data is being saved to the database, XWiki will attempt to roll back the transaction to its previous known good state. If you use MyISAM, it will do nothing, leaving the database in whatever state it was in when the error occurred.
Caleb James DeLisle 9.1 14
Ahmet Taşdöven 43.1 15 {{warning}}
Beat Burgener 72.2 16 If you use MySQL with any engine that does not support transactions, you will most likely corrupt your database.** We highly recommend using a storage engine such as InnoDB which supports transactions.**
Ahmet Taşdöven 43.1 17 {{/warning}}
Caleb James DeLisle 9.1 19 == MySQL versions older than 5.0 ==
Sorin Burjan 12.3 20
Ricardo Rodríguez 71.1 21 XWiki does not fully work with MySQL versions 4.x or lower, due to several limitations of the way the SQL standards are implemented in MySQL, limited support for non-latin1 encodings, the flaky integration of Hibernate and MySQL 4, and other things. Most parts of the application work fine, but there are some parts that cannot be easily fixed, so if you must use MySQL 4.x, you're doing it on your own. MySQL 4 is pretty old and buggy, so we recommend upgrading.
Caleb James DeLisle 9.1 22
Thomas Mortagne 66.1 23 == MySQL versions older than 5.7 and utf8mb4 ==
Thomas Mortagne 65.1 24
Ricardo Rodríguez 71.1 25 If you use utf8mb4 encoding, you won't be able to use a version of MySQL older than 5.7 out of the box because of a limitation in the default maximum size of the keys and the default row format.
Thomas Mortagne 65.1 26
Vincent Massol 68.1 27 == JDBC Driver Version ==
Thomas Mortagne 82.1 29 * It's recommended to use the latest version of the MySQL JDBC driver (8.x).
Vincent Massol 68.1 30
Vincent Massol 7.1 31 = Installation Steps =
vmassol 1.12 32
Vincent Massol 1.11 33 Follow these instructions:
Thomas Mortagne 85.1 35 * Install MySQL 5.7 or greater and start it. It's always recommended to use the best method depending on your environment (for example a package on a Linux server), you can download it on [[MySQL>>]] if you want to manually install it.
Vincent Massol 44.1 36 * Create the wiki database. You can use the name you want for the database, but you will have to set the hibernate configuration file and ##xwiki.cfg## file accordingly.(((
37 You can create the database in several ways. For example use:
Thomas Mortagne 67.1 39 {{code language="shell"}}
Thomas Mortagne 51.1 40 mysql -u root -e "create database xwiki default character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_bin"
Vincent Massol 30.2 41 {{/code}}
42 )))
Thomas Mortagne 58.1 43 * Create the ##xwiki## user with password ##xwiki##(((
Thomas Mortagne 67.1 44 {{code language="shell"}}
Thomas Mortagne 59.1 45 mysql -u root -e "CREATE USER 'xwiki'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'xwiki'";
Thomas Mortagne 58.1 46 {{/code}}
47 )))
Thomas Mortagne 67.1 48 * Give privileges to the ##xwiki## user for accessing and creating databases (for the multi wiki support). Specifically the ##xwiki## users needs permissions to be able to execute {{code language="sql"}}CREATE DATABASE{{/code}}, {{code language="sql"}}DROP SCHEMA{{/code}}, and then all CRUD operations on tables. Note that the command below should be tuned to be more restrictive as granting all permissions is not required:(((
49 {{code language="shell"}}
Thomas Mortagne 58.1 50 mysql -u root -e "grant all privileges on *.* to xwiki@localhost"
Vincent Massol 30.2 51 {{/code}}
52 )))
Vincent Massol 44.1 53 * If the above command fails with a password-does-not-meet-requirements error, uninstall the MySQL password_validate plugin or pick a more complex password and update the password used by default in ##hibernate.cfg.xml##:(((
Thomas Mortagne 67.1 54 {{code language="shell"}}
Vincent Massol 44.1 55 mysql -u root -p -e "uninstall plugin validate_password;"
dkl 35.1 56 {{/code}}
Vincent Massol 44.1 57 )))
Thomas Mortagne 85.2 58 * You need to have the MySQL JDBC Driver JAR (named ##mysql-connector-java*.jar##) installed in XWiki's WAR file. If this file isn't present in XWiki's ##WEB-INF/lib## directory you'll need to download it and copy it there. You can download it from the [[MySQL Connector/J Driver page>>]] or directly from the [[Maven Central Repository>>]].(((
Ahmet Taşdöven 43.1 59 {{warning}}
Thomas Mortagne 85.2 60 It's generally recommended to use the latest one.
Ahmet Taşdöven 43.1 61 {{/warning}}
Ahmet Taşdöven 41.1 62 )))
Vincent Massol 44.1 63 * Now you need to tell XWiki to use MySQL. To do this, edit the ##WEB-INF/hibernate.cfg.xml## file where you have expanded the XWiki WAR file and replace the matching properties with the following ones:(((
dkl 32.3 64 {{code language="xml"}}
65 <property name="connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost/xwiki</property>
vmassol 1.2 66 <property name="connection.username">xwiki</property>
67 <property name="connection.password">xwiki</property>
Thomas Mortagne 85.2 68 <property name="connection.driver_class">com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver</property>
Vincent Massol 44.1 69 <property name="connection.useUnicode">true</property>
70 <property name="connection.characterEncoding">UTF-8</property>
dkl 32.3 71 {{/code}}
Vincent Massol 30.2 72
Dmitry Bakbardin 15.1 73 {{info}}
Vincent Massol 66.4 74 * By default MySQL only accepts packets that are smaller than 1MB. If you get the "Packet for query is too large (max_allowed_packet)" error then see the [[Packet too large error page>>]]. For example to increase the packet size to 32M you could start the MySQL server with {{code language='shell'}}mysqld --console --max_allowed_packet=32M{{/code}} or you can modify directly the ##my.cnf## configuration file to set this value permanently.
Vincent Massol 44.1 75 * If an empty XWiki starts with no errors, but you are unable to upload the default set of pages (XAR file) try to increase the ##max_allowed_packet## parameter as shown above.
Dmitry Bakbardin 15.1 76 {{/info}}
Ahmet Taşdöven 43.1 77 )))
Vincent Massol 55.1 79 = Indexes =
81 See [[Database Administration>>Documentation.AdminGuide.Performances.Database Administration.WebHome]].
Thomas Mortagne 67.1 83 {{code language="mysql"}}
Vincent Massol 55.1 84 // Required
85 create index xwl_value on xwikilargestrings (xwl_value(50));
86 create index xwd_parent on xwikidoc (xwd_parent(50));
87 create index xwd_class_xml on xwikidoc (xwd_class_xml(20));
88 create index xda_docid1 on xwikiattrecyclebin (xda_docid);
Thomas Mortagne 72.1 89 create index solr_iterate_all_documents on xwikidoc (XWD_WEB(500), XWD_NAME(253), XWD_LANGUAGE(5), XWD_VERSION(10));
Vincent Massol 55.1 90 // Only required if you use stats (feature is off by default)
91 create index xws_number on xwikistatsdoc (XWS_NUMBER);
92 create index xws_classname on xwikistatsdoc (XWS_CLASSNAME);
93 create index xwr_number on xwikistatsreferer (XWR_NUMBER);
94 create index xwr_classname on xwikistatsreferer (XWR_CLASSNAME);
95 create index xwr_referer on xwikistatsreferer (XWR_REFERER(50));
96 create index xwv_user_agent on xwikistatsvisit (XWV_USER_AGENT(255));
97 create index xwv_cookie on xwikistatsvisit (XWV_COOKIE(255));
98 create index xwv_classname on xwikistatsvisit (XWV_CLASSNAME);
99 create index xwv_number on xwikistatsvisit (XWV_NUMBER);
100 {{/code}}
102 {{info}}
103 Note to XWiki developers: The following indexes could be created automatically though since they're less than 255 characters and thus should be added in a future version of XWiki so that they don't need to be created manually:
Eduard Moraru 68.2 105 {{code language="mysql"}}
Vincent Massol 55.1 106 create index xws_number on xwikistatsdoc (XWS_NUMBER);
107 create index xws_classname on xwikistatsdoc (XWS_CLASSNAME);
108 create index xwr_number on xwikistatsreferer (XWR_NUMBER);
109 create index xwr_classname on xwikistatsreferer (XWR_CLASSNAME);
110 create index xwv_classname on xwikistatsvisit (XWV_CLASSNAME);
111 create index xwv_number on xwikistatsvisit (XWV_NUMBER);
112 create index xda_docid1 on xwikiattrecyclebin (xda_docid);
113 {{/code}}
114 {{/info}}
Vincent Massol 44.1 116 = Tips =
Ahmet Taşdöven 43.1 117
Vincent Massol 60.1 118 == MySQL 8 ==
120 * If you're using MySQL 8+ you'll need to configure MySQL with native password: ##default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password##.
121 * You'll also be able to switch from ##com.mysql.jdbc.Driver## to ##com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver## JDBC driver (since the previous driver class is now deprecated).
Vincent Massol 64.1 122 * If you get the following error then you'll need to force the timezone to use either by setting it in:(((
123 * The MySQL conf file on the server
124 * In the XWiki ##hibernate.cfg.xml## file in the ##hibernate.connection.serverTimezone## property (e.g. ##<property name="hibernate.connection.serverTimezone">Europe/Berlin</property>##).
125 * In the XWiki ##hibernate.cfg.xml## file inside the JDBC URL string as in ##jdbc:mysql:~/~/localhost:3306/myschema?serverTimezone=UTC##
Thomas Mortagne 67.1 127 {{code language="none"}}
Vincent Massol 63.1 128 The server timezone value 'CDT' is unrecognized or represents more than one timezone. You must configure either the server or JDBC driver (via the serverTimezone configuration property) to use a more specifc timezone value if you want to utilize timezone support.
129 {{/code}}
Vincent Massol 60.1 130
Vincent Massol 63.1 131 For more details see [[this explanation post>>]].
132 )))
Thomas Mortagne 77.1 134 == Convert a database to utf8mb4/utf8mb4_bin ==
Vincent Massol 27.1 135
Thomas Mortagne 67.1 136 {{code language="shell"}}
Vincent Massol 44.1 137 #!/bin/bash
Ahmet Taşdöven 43.1 138
Vincent Massol 44.1 139 db=xwiki
Thomas Mortagne 52.1 140 to_character_set=utf8mb4
141 to_collation=utf8mb4_bin
Ahmet Taşdöven 43.1 142
Vincent Massol 44.1 143 mysql_cmd="mysql -u root"
Thomas Mortagne 52.1 145 $mysql_cmd -e "ALTER DATABASE $db CHARACTER SET $to_character_set COLLATE $to_collation;"
Vincent Massol 44.1 146
147 TBL_LIST=$($mysql_cmd -N -s -r -e "use $db;show tables;")
Thomas Mortagne 75.1 149 echo "Temporarily disable all the foreign keys"
Vincent Massol 44.1 152 for tbl_name in $TBL_LIST;
153 do
154 $mysql_cmd -e "alter table $db.$tbl_name convert to character set $to_character_set collate $to_collation;"
155 done
Thomas Mortagne 75.1 157 echo "Turn foreign keys back on"
Vincent Massol 44.1 161 echo "Here the result of the operation:"
Ahmet Taşdöven 43.1 163 {{/code}}
Thomas Mortagne 76.1 165 {{info}}
Mohamed Boussaa 72.3 166 In case the above script fails with "ERROR 1118 (42000) at line 1: Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. This includes storage overhead, check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs
167 xwikistatsvisit", you can use the following SQL statements to change tables column types to LONGTEXT to be able to convert the tables to utf8mb4.
Thomas Mortagne 76.1 168 {{/info}}
Mohamed Boussaa 72.3 169
170 {{code}}
171 ALTER TABLE activitystream_events MODIFY ase_url LONGTEXT, MODIFY ase_title LONGTEXT, MODIFY ase_body LONGTEXT, MODIFY ase_param1 LONGTEXT, MODIFY ase_param2 LONGTEXT, MODIFY ase_param3 LONGTEXT, MODIFY ase_param4 LONGTEXT, MODIFY ase_param5 LONGTEXT;
175 {{/code}}
Guillaume Delhumeau 57.1 177 You can also look at [[this snippet to perform this conversion inside XWiki>>snippets:Extension.Migrate MySQL databases to utf8mb4]].
Guillaume Delhumeau 56.1 178
Vincent Massol 44.1 179 == Convert from MyISAM to InnoDB ==
Ahmet Taşdöven 43.1 180
Thomas Mortagne 67.1 181 {{code language="shell"}}
Vincent Massol 44.1 182 #!/bin/bash
187 DATABASES=$(mysql -N -s -r -e 'show databases'|grep -v ^information_schema$|grep -v ^mysql$)
189 for db in $DATABASES
190 do
192 echo "Working on database $db..."
193 echo ""
195 TABLES=$(mysql -N -s -r -e "show tables from $db;")
197 for tb in $TABLES
198 do
202 done
204 $MYSQL_COMMAND -e "SELECT table_name,Engine,table_collation FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = DATABASE();"
206 echo ""
207 echo ""
209 done
Ahmet Taşdöven 43.1 210 {{/code}}
Vincent Massol 44.1 212 = Troubleshooting =
Thomas Mortagne 81.1 214 == "Incorrect string value" error with MySQL connector between 8.0.29 and 8.0.32 ==
Thomas Mortagne 78.1 215
Thomas Mortagne 81.1 216 {{info}}
217 This is fixed in the connector 8.0.33.
218 {{/info}}
Thomas Mortagne 78.1 220 There seems to be a regression in MySQL connector 8.0.29 that leads to using the default encoding even when it's explicitly indicated in the hibernate.cfg.xml file (which is what you have in the MySQL configuration recommendation provided by XWiki). We are currently searching what could be the cause and find a workaround in but in the (and in general) it's recommended to make sure that you are running XWiki with the right default Java encoding. You can do that by making sure Java is run with ##-Dfile.encoding=utf8## (this is generally the default in standard Tomcat packages of various Linux distribution, but it might not always be the case).
Vincent Massol 44.1 222 == Unable to login to MySQL Console ==
Thomas Mortagne 67.1 224 When running {{code language="shell"}}mysql -u root -e "create database xwiki default character set utf8mb4{{/code}} you may get a {{code}}ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'xwiki'@'localhost' (using password: YES){{/code}} error.
Ahmet Taşdöven 43.1 225 This means that you have a password set for the MySQL root user, but you are not specifying it in the console command. You must also use the //-p// parameter. Using this you will be prompted to enter the password and be allowed to login to the MySQL console and create the database.
Vincent Massol 7.1 227 == Can't create test file ==
Vincent Massol 6.2 228
Ahmet Taşdöven 43.1 229 When running ##mysqld ~-~-console## you may get the following (especially if you're on a Mac):
Vincent Massol 1.16 230
Thomas Mortagne 67.1 231 {{code language="none"}}
Vincent Massol 1.16 232 071111 17:20:53 [Warning] Can't create test file /usr/local/mysql-5.0.45-osx10.4-i686/data/Vincent.lower-test
233 071111 17:20:53 [Warning] Can't create test file /usr/local/mysql-5.0.45-osx10.4-i686/data/Vincent.lower-test
234 mysqld: Can't change dir to '/usr/local/mysql-5.0.45-osx10.4-i686/data/' (Errcode: 13)
235 071111 17:20:53 [ERROR] Aborting
Vincent Massol 7.1 236 {{/code}}
Vincent Massol 1.16 237
Vincent Massol 44.1 238 To start MySQL run the following command instead:
Vincent Massol 1.16 239
Vincent Massol 44.1 240 {{code}}
Vincent Massol 1.16 241 sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --user=mysql
Vincent Massol 7.1 242 {{/code}}
Vincent Massol 1.16 243
Vincent Massol 7.1 244 == Data Truncation Error ==
2smart4u 5.1 245
Ahmet Taşdöven 43.1 246 If you receive an Exception like the following while installing/upgrading XWiki, chances are that you are using an outdated version of MySQLConnectorJ.
2smart4u 5.1 247
Thomas Mortagne 67.1 248 {{code language="none"}}
2smart4u 5.1 249 Caused by: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Data truncation: Out of
250 range value adjusted for column 'XWD_HIDDEN' at row 1
251 at com.mysql.jdbc.PreparedStatement.executeBatch(
252 at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingStatement.executeBatch(
253 at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingStatement.executeBatch(
254 at org.hibernate.jdbc.BatchingBatcher.doExecuteBatch(
255 at org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.executeBatch(
Vincent Massol 7.1 256 {{/code}}
2smart4u 5.1 257
Ahmet Taşdöven 43.1 258 On Linux, mysql-connector-java-3.x has proven **not** to work due to a bug in the handling of UTF-8 and lack of support for Boolean types.
2smart4u 5.1 259
Vincent Massol 7.2 260 Upgrading to the latest version of MySQLConnectorJ should solve such an error in most of the cases.
Ahmet Taşdöven 43.1 261
262 == HTTP 500 Error ==
Thomas Mortagne 67.1 264 {{code language="none"}}
Ahmet Taşdöven 43.1 265 HTTP Status 500 -
267 type Exception report
269 message
271 descriptionThe server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
273 exception
275 javax.servlet.ServletException: com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException: Error number 3 in 0: Could not initialize main XWiki context
276 Wrapped Exception: Error number 3001 in 3: Cannot load class from param
277 Wrapped Exception: Error number 0 in 3: Exception while hibernate execute
278 Wrapped Exception: Could not create a DBCP pool. There is an error in the hibernate configuration file, please review it.
280 root cause
282 com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException: Error number 3 in 0: Could not initialize main XWiki context
283 Wrapped Exception: Error number 3001 in 3: Cannot load class from param
284 Wrapped Exception: Error number 0 in 3: Exception while hibernate execute
285 Wrapped Exception: Could not create a DBCP pool. There is an error in the hibernate configuration file, please review it.
286 {{/code}}
Vincent Massol 44.1 288 In this case, try to disable **skip-networking** in MySQL *.ini file. Thanks a lot //M Rawash// (see his comment below).
290 == Unknown database 'xwiki' ==
292 If you get the following error:
Thomas Mortagne 67.1 294 {{code language="none"}}
Vincent Massol 44.1 295 Caused by: class com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown database 'xwiki'
296 at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
297 at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
298 at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
299 at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
300 at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(
301 at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.getInstance(
302 at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(
303 at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
304 at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
305 at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(
306 at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(
307 at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.execSQL(
308 at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.setCatalog(
309 at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingConnection.setCatalog(
310 at org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingConnection.setCatalog(
311 at org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolingDataSource$PoolGuardConnectionWrapper.setCatalog(
312 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
313 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
314 at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
315 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
316 at org.hibernate.jdbc.BorrowedConnectionProxy.invoke(
317 at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy47.setCatalog(Unknown Source)
318 at
319 at
320 at
321 at
322 ...
323 {{/code}}
Thomas Mortagne 83.1 325 It means that XWiki could connect to your database but there's no ##xwiki## schema available there. This is the default name of the schema XWiki is looking for, for the main wiki database.
Vincent Massol 44.1 326
Thomas Mortagne 67.1 327 It probably means you've created a database named other than ##xwiki## (for example you might have created a database named ##abcd## and set the following connection URL in your ##hibernate.cfg## file: {{code language="none"}}<property name="connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost/abcd</property>{{/code}}).
Vincent Massol 44.1 328
Thomas Mortagne 83.1 329 If this is the case [[you need to tell XWiki that you're using a different schema by setting the ##xwiki.db## configuration property>>Documentation.AdminGuide.Configuration#HConfigurethenamesofdatabaseschemas]].
Vincent Massol 44.1 330
331 == MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Row size too large (> 8126) ==
333 if you get the following error:
Thomas Mortagne 67.1 335 {{code language="none"}}
Thomas Mortagne 83.1 336 MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Row size too large (> 8126).
337 Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB or using ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC or ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED may help.
Vincent Massol 44.1 338 In current row format, BLOB prefix of 768 bytes is stored inline.
339 {{/code}}
Eduard Moraru 68.2 341 When you are using a MySQL Server 5.6.20 you can get a "row size too large error."
Vincent Massol 44.1 342 In the release notes, it is explained that a innodb_log_file_size which is too small will trigger a "Row size too large error."
344 You can solve the problem by changing the innodb_log_file_size in the my.ini text file.
345 Find more details in the link below.

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