Version 6.1 by Thomas Mortagne on 2017/03/24

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1 1 Release Notes for XWiki Workspaces Milestone 2
3 1.1 Changes from XWiki Workspaces Milestone 1
5 * Bug
6 ** XWS-5 - Permanently deleting a space doesn't work
7 ** XWS-11 - Workspace creation form data is not cleared after workspace creation
8 ** XWS-20 - Gallery "folders" display problem
9 ** XWS-21 - Exception when editing an existing blog post
10 ** XWS-24 - Page information and XWiki Syntax panels appear when editing a space home
11 ** XWS-31 - On IE7 the division between the content and the what's new gets munged
14 * Improvement
15 ** XWS-6 - Merge the Admin XWiki Toolbar with menus from XE
16 ** XWS-9 - Use activitystream plugin for space streams
17 ** XWS-34 - Add a distribution-test module
18 ** XWS-35 - Make XWS usable with albatross and toucan skins
19 ** XWS-36 - Hide wysiwyg options that generates {style} macros
21 * New Feature
22 ** XWS-2 - Implement a search inside workspaces
23 ** XWS-4 - Space User Directory
24 ** XWS-8 - Background color selection per workspace
26 1.1 Known issues
28 [Issues we know about>]
30 1.1 Upgrading from XWiki Workspaces Milestone 1
32 The process to upgrade an existing WAR installation of XWiki Workspaces Milestone 1 to Milestone 2 is very similar as the one described [here>platform:AdminGuide.Installation#HUpgradingXWikiCore] for XWiki Enterprise. You will need to save your configuration files (xwiki.cfg and hibernate.cfg.xml) in order to keep the new war working with your environment. XWiki Workspaces Milestone 2 introduces a new hibernate mapping file for the activity streams, thus you will also need to merge hibernate.cfg.xml. (Refer to [extensions:Extension.Activity Stream Plugin#HInstallation] to add the mapping file to your configuration).

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